Saturday, September 7, 2019
Noon - 5:00 pm

3 Victoria Street​
Resource Centre for the Arts operates from the historic Longshoremen’s Protective Union Hall, which houses a theatre, bar, and performance space.
In 1789, this site was the location of the first Congregationalist Church in Newfoundland. Following a fire which destroyed the church in 1817, it was rebuilt and used by several denominations for visiting preachers, meetings and social events. In 1853 the Sons of Temperance purchased the building and rebuilt it after it was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1892. In 1912, the Longshoremen’s Protective Union purchased this building to be used as their union hall. The LSPU Hall is the only survivor from the heyday of downtown union halls, many of which also served as neighbourhood community centres.
On-Street Parking​, Accessibility for persons with disabilities affecting mobility.